Camouflaging scars with micro-pigmentation


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I was lucky enough to be invited back to , pangs Clinic the beauty zone in order to , film micropigmentationscar camouflaging , and that's something I'vie been , interested ever since I did the eyebrows , worth paying a while ago and she was , training someone and micro pigmentation , so we headed back with a model who has , BEC nice scarring and she did , micropigmentationon whose skin to help , cover up the equity scar sand that's , what this video is about it is pretty , cool and pretty effective hope you , enjoy it so this is the model Catherine , she has acne scars on her face so she's , lost pigment in the areas where the , scarring has occurred and she ha shad , previous treatments in order to help , with the scarring but they haven't , helped tithe extent that she wanted so , putting a pigment back into the skin , where the scarring has occurred helps , visibly reduce the scarring so you match , a color to the skin and you pop that , back into where they'actually lost , the pigmentation so it's re pigmentation , and it's like tattooing so they're going , to cover my spots a little bit lighter , than my normal color and hopefully that , will take away my spots or at least , camouflage them a little well yes yeah , yeah so they're not so obvious because , they ugly yeah no I hate them , yes to try and cover them up what does , that mean for you do I , well yes no makeup hopefully yeah yeah , I'd like to go free makeup free , foundation free yeah yep I'vie tried , laser Plagued fractional lasers on them , too yeah tried hopes well they were , meant to help decrease my pigmentation , to make the the scarring later but it , never happened , yeah not as much to my liking anyway , I'vie done the allergy tests and all that , so I'm fine wit hall their yeah all I'm , just yeah googled a little bit on it oh , I'm nervous yeah but I'm excited excited , nervous yeah I'vie never had ado yeah , yeah do anything everything is sanitized , in sterile so the model skin is cleansed , before numbing cream is put on the , numbing cream is put on only the areas , where they will be treating putting , pigment back into the skin where their , scarring so we waited about W to W , minutes for the numbing to fully take , effete hang enter trainee looked at the , color of his skin and is attained what , color would be best they used about six , tones to get the correct colour and it , took about three different color choices , to figure out which color would match , your skin tone beast the colour was , mixed up and very carefully the , micro pigmentation machine in needle was , all put together for application paying , and who trainee would dip with their , micro pigmentation needle enter the color , and then they would apply that and small , quick prick like sensations into the , skin so basically the pigmentation is , going into the skin via little channels , but the client is numb and she USN't , feeling much of it if anything at all , going to be okay , yeah , okay pieces yeah on top , so you can see here pang is directing , the trainee we're to apply the , pigmentation she does mention quite a , lot not to touch the edges so in this , case they're really trying to get that , pigmentation in the center or not , touching the edges of the white layer , you don't leave thermal finger and , yeah , there is a little bit of blood this , looks similar topnotch that we , experienced when we do skin needling so , it'singly really super slow ball it , dozen'keep bleeding and when you wipe , it off it's gone , just bear in mind this may take second , treatment this USN't just a one-off , potentially we have to see ho wit pans , out and how it heals and how it looks , after time can take up to four to five , weeks for Otto settle finally once all , of the areas have been treated they wipe , off antennae in the surface level , color and then apply some more color by , way of a soak so to speak so that was , left on for about five minutes just to , continue soaking into any of those , little micro channels that are open in , the skin it's not too bad some bits I , could't even feel at all after wiping , off the color seal they cleaned the skin , and then applied like poor poor kind , of ointment it's actually a specialized , healing ointment that paint supplies'm , not completely sure what's in it but she , was told to apply this three or four , times a day so at the end of the day , like the session what are you expecting , to see oh hey Ashley oh no spots are , start us yeah it just I'vie been told a , bit of redness afterwards which is fine , yeah so just a good outcome , I won't son and here'st he models , reaction , oh my god , Wow it's like oh but of normal yeah , that's right yeah it'amazing you can , stretch it I'll put them a color up for , the lies for you wow it'SOS cold oh wow , you can't say that's fast they mayhem , yeah yeah underlie hey speed , yes fuck I just move smoothly yeah yes , it's so colic's I'm sick of putting , concealer onto run hide yeah yeah yeah , oh my god I'm looking at five here's a , before and after shot bear in mind the , skin is read this after picture is , literally within ten minutes of the , treatment happening so the skin is pink , and little bit swollen in areas so , once it settles then you really see what , the results look like but even now you , can see a difference in that is amazing , and here's a picture which is about four , days after the treatment I hope you , enjoyed this video thanks for watching , you  

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