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, subscribe to our channel by clicking the , subscribe button click the bell button , and enjoy the latest uploads from our , shop a lumpy white coded tongue is , normally an indicator of mouth , thrush oral thrush also known as oral , candidacies a yeast infection caused , by the overgrowth of the candida , albinos fungus in the mouth oral thrush , is not dangerous , there are many home remedies to treat , oral thrush if you feel discomfort home , remedy number one baking soda baking , soda is very effective remedy to treat , oral thrush take baking soda and mix , some water in it to make thick paste , then apply this paste on the affected , area home remedy number two coconut oil , coconut oil is also very effective , remedy to treat oral thrush take some , coconut oil and apply this on the , affected area with the help of Acton , ball home remedy number three apple , cider vinegar apple cider vinegar is , also very useful remedy to treat oral , thrush take raw apple cider vinegar and , mix it with water and drink it home , remedy number four milk of magnesia with , centrality is also very useful remedy , to treat oral thrush take tendril and , milk of magnesia , mix both it well and put the mixture in , your mouth and swish in the for two two , three time and spitting out the mixture , home remedy number five gentian violet , it is another very effective remedy take , a gentian violet and apply it on the , effective area with the help of cotton , ball home remedy number six , tea tree oil tea tree oil being and the , fungal in nature can also be used as a , mouth rinse to get rid of oral thrush , take tea tree oil and mix it in water , and gargle with a solution till the , water in the glass home remedy number , seven salt salt is very effective for to , remove fungus from your mouth add some , salt in a hot water and rinse your mouth , with this solution home remedy number , eight yogurt yogurt is also very , effective for oral thrush take some , yogurt and apply it on the effective , area and leave for five minute sand then , rinse it with hot water home remedy , number nine garlic garlic is also very , effective for oral thrush consume daily , one or two garlic cloves until the , infection clear off however if the oral , thrush is being caused due to any , medical condition you need to consult , your doctor for the right treatment , rather than apply these remedies to , treat oral truce at home thanks for , watching this video like and share this , video and subscribe our channel for more , interesting videos .
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