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topic dermatitis or topic eczema is a , skin rash that'particularly common , among young children but can last into , adulthoodatopic refers to an allergy , Durham refers to the skin and Otis , refers to inflammation so topic , dermatitis describes skin inflammation , that results from an allergy more , specifically it happens when the immune , system attacks the skin causing a dry , itchy rash on flex or surfaces of the , body areas like the creases of the wrist , the insides of the elbows and the backs , of the knees as well as exposed skin , surfaces like on the face the hands in , the feet when the immune system , inappropriately starts attacking itself , we call that hypersensitivity reaction , and there are four types topic , dermatitis is a type hypersensitivity , reaction and it starts off with , something in the environment called an , allergen like flower pollen the pollen , is able to travel through the slightly , porous skin where it gets picked up by , an immune cell in the tissue just below , the immune cell is called an antigen , presenting cell because it presents a , bit of the allergen to a naive T helper , cell activating it into ACTH cell this , Th to cell then stimulates a nearby B , cell to start producing Igor , immunoglobulin antibodies specific to , that pollen those Inge antibodies bind to , the surface of other immune cells called , mast cells as well as basophilswhich , can be found in the tissue layer just , below the surface of the skin and this , process is called sensitization now , let's say there's a second exposure to , pollen that makes its way into the skin , tissue now the allergen can cross link , the Inge on these sensitized cells , resulting in granulation or release of , a number of pro-inflammatory molecules , like histamine latrine x'and , pro teases the combined effect of these , molecule sis to cause nearby blood , vessels to dilate and become leaky as , well as attract even more immune cells , tithe area creating inflammation of the , skin tissue , ultimately this inflammation makes the , skin barrier more leaky potentially , allowing in more of the allergen while , at the same time allowing water to , escape leaving the skin dry and scaly , dry skins very itchy and scratching , further damages the skin barrier , worsening the process in setting up a , vicious cycle of allergy mediated , inflammation dry skin and itching which , characterizes topic dermatitis , occasionally bacteria can invade the , damaged skin causing even more , inflammation in infants the rash is most , of tenon the face in the scalp and in , children the rash is usually on the , flex or surfaces of the extremities , topic dermatitis can worsen in the , presence of allergens like cigarette , smoke mold and dust mites as well as , change sin the weather and even , emotional stress although it usually , causes patches of red itchy skin that , come and go the skin can occasionally , even blister and peel overtime the skin , can become like henna Fed which , literally means turn to leather , itchiness is often worst at night , probably because there are no , distractions , this is often when young children are , most likely to scratch their eczema , lesions because eczema , an auto immune mediated process it can't , be spread to other people but since it , affects the skin and therefore the way a , person looks there's still a lot of , social stigma associated with it , unfortunately many individuals , especially teenager sand young adults , with topic dermatitis suffer from , depression and social anxiety as a , result genetics plays an important role , in topic dermatitis and these , individual soften also have asthma as , well as allergic rhinitis making up , what'scaled the pictured these , illnesses also often run in families , occasionally topic dermatitis can be , part of a syndrome like hyper Inge , syndrome which has an autism dominant , form called Jo be syndrome as well as , phenylketonuriawhich is a metabolic , disorder that results from the build-up , of the amino acid enplaning and , wist-eldritch syndrome which is an , x-linked recessive disease characterized , by clinical triad of eczema , thrombocytopenia and immunodeficiency , topic dermatitis is generally a , clinical diagnosis and there are ways to , help break the cycle of Allergy mediated , inflammation dry skin an ditching with , regard to allergy mediated inflammation , it's important to identify and avoid any , triggers as well as avoiding overheating , dressing in soft fabrics and managing , stress well which is of course a good , life habit anyways dry skin can be , managed with frequent miniaturization , which is usually best to apply aft era , lukewarm bath and itching can sometimes , you managed with simple measures like , keeping the fingernails short and trying , to keep children from scratching bu tin , more extreme cases there are also , steroids and calcining inhibitors both , of which aim to dampen the immune , reaction as well as antihistamines that , can help with itching and antibiotics to , help treat infections if they're needed , alright as a quick recap , topic dermatitis also known as topic , eczema is a type hypersensitivity , reaction in the skin and is , characterized bay cycle of allergy , mediated inflammation dry skin and , itching that most commonly affects , infants and young childrenatopic , dermatitis can be managed by minimizing , exposure to allergens keeping the skin , hydrated and minimizing itching thanks , for watching you can help support us by , donating on patreonsubscribing to our , channel or telling your friends about us , on social media , you