How to Overcome Autoimmune Disease


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hey guys Dr. axe here doctor of natural , medicine and founder of min , this video I'm going to do an advanced , training on how to overcome autoimmune , disease I'll talk about my five steps to , overcome autoimmune disease with natural , treatments diet supplements essential , oils and much much mo rein this training , video and firs toff auto immune disease , can affect many different areas of your , body conditions such as lupus , fibromyalgia rheumatoid arthritis , different types of inflammatory bowel , disease all of these issues can be , connected to autoimmune disease , harshest's thyroids can affect , your thyroid and many other tissues and , organ sand what happens in autoimmune , disease is your body's own immune system , starts to attack your own cells and , tissues so what we have to do in order , to beat and reverse autoimmune disease , is we have to reduce inflammation and , help modulate and balance out your , body's immune response , number step start overcoming , autoimmune disease is to remove certain , things from your diet , so foods that cause an inflammatory , reaction and I really believe% of , autoimmune disease starts in your gut , lining with a condition called leaky gut , and that occurs when you have , microscopic holes in your gut lining , imagine your gut lining as a net in , between your intestines and your , bloodstream , well that net can get rips and tears in , Otto where then certain things such as , gluten toxins bad bacteria get into your , bloodstream over time if they stay in , there your body will not only attack , them oftentimes it will start to affect , and attack the other tissues in cells , within your own body so number one step , is reduce the intake of foods that cause , inflammation number one is going to be , sugar if you're consuming processed , sugar it causes the overgrowth of yeast , back yeast in the body which actually , eats away the gut lining causing leaky , gut which in turn causes them autoimmune , disease overtime number two , hydrogenated oils are consuming too many , omega-6 fatty acids that causes , inflammation in the body , so gluten and casein so consuming wheat , bread and dairy products on a regular , basis will absolutely cause inflammation , within the body and last but not least , over consuming grains and I'm talking , about even whole grains can cause , inflammation in your body for so fora , time if you have autoimmune disease one , of the big things you typically want to , do is go grain free for period of time , or at least consume grains that have , been sprouted and slow-cooked for a long , time like a like a like a wild sprouted , rice and you that you cook and make into , congest's okay for some people but , in general with autoimmune disease you , want to go grain free for a time and , then last here any additives food , coloring's artificial sweeteners any type , of packaged food you typically want to , stay away from or processed food or fast , foods without immune disease and the key , there is reducing inflammation then what , we want to do step number two is we want , to transform your diet and start , consuming foods that help heal your , cells and tissues and help reduce , inflammation number one food group is , going to be cooked vegetables with , autoimmune disease you typically don't , want to do a lot of raw foods that might , surprise you but a lot of raw vegetable , juices or raw salads or raw broccoli , things like that those are hard to , digest and hard for those with leaky gut , which can contribute to autoimmunity so , a lot of cooked vegetable sin your diet , such as cooked spinach carrots celery , you know any type of cooked vegetable is , great with autoimmune disease number two , is fruit specifically berries and fruits , they're easy to digest such as pears , also fruits with enzymes in them such as , Kiwis figs papaya pineapple but again , fruit in moderation you don't want to go , overboard because of too much sugar but , one to two servings of fruit a day is , okay the next food number three is going , to be wild cut meats such as grass-fed , beef organic chicken and turkey and wild , caught fish like salmon in fact wild , caught fish like salmon might be the , most beneficial because they're high in , a type of omega-3 fatty acid called , and DHA which naturally reduce , inflammation within the body the fourth , superfluous want to be getting in your , diet to help fight autoimmune disease is , get bone broth bone broth might be the , most beneficial of all food sit contains , the amino indiscipline glycerine and , goldmine which help repair the gut , lining healing leaky gut which is going , to stop things like gluten and these , other factors from getting in causing an , immune reaction so again bone broth is , incredibly beneficial number five get , more healing herbs in your diet such as , turmeric ginger cumin rosemary and any , type of herb again most these herbs , really help support the bod yin the , natural healing process and those are , going to be the most beneficial foods , for you if you're struggling with , autoimmune disease and last I'll say , also getting some good robotics can be , good but here's an ideal meal for those , with autoimmune disease is a big bowl of , bone broth soup think chicken broth , chicken celery onions carrots maybe a , little bit of ginger or turmeric in , there drinking bone broth on a daily , basis is so beneficial one more food I'd , wanted to remember that I wanted to , mention here is coconut products coconut , oil should be your go-to cooking oil if , you'vie got autoimmune disease and of , course avocados and olive oil and ghee , those are good as well coconut oil , though one of the best so get a diet , that's high in cooked vegetables fruits , wild meat sand bone broth should be the , diet you follow step number three and , overcoming autoimmune disease is you , want to take the right supplements the , most beneficial supplements number one , is probably gonna be a bone broth powder , so you can get bone bro thin powder form , add Otto a smoothie and so do bone , broth daily as a powder also collagen , powder or collagen protein supplement , scoop of that Ada is very beneficial , as well the next thing I would say would , be robotics you know robotics help , support the immune system they help , again modulate the immune system which , helps autoimmune , these so getting robotics typically , W-billion I use twice daily is key also , look out for predigest have soil , based organisms SB o--'s are great as , well and then would say take an , omega-3 supplement like a fish caviar , supplement or a or something like a fish , oil or cod liver oil but a thousand , milligrams once- twice day of an , omega-3 supplement is very beneficial , and number throughout and the next thing , I would say here are digestive enzymes , taking digestive enzymes with your meal , can help reduce inflammation and ease , your body in the digestive process I , would say those are the most beneficial , supplements for naturally combating , autoimmune disease the next thing here , step number four is use essential oils , essential oils are fantastic one of my , favorite essential oils for autoimmune , disease is Roman chamomile oil rolling , chamomile can help bring down cortisone , levels helps relax the body reduces , stress on the body so chamomile , diffusing that rubbing a few drops , putting it on your neck chamomile is one , of the best for autoimmune disease as , our frankincense and myrrh let's say you , have Harshest'thyroids or , rheumatoid arthritis in a specific area , what I would do is do two drops of myrrh , two drops of frankincense and rub it , directly on the area few other oils , that can be beneficial , another couple favorites of mine are , lavender oil and you Lang Lang , lavender oil Andalusia like both help , improve your mood help lower cortisone , reduce stress on the body and the , essential oil thyme oil that's thyme , time thyme oil is also beneficial so , again all of those oils some of my , favorites for naturally fighting , autoimmune disease use those daily and , the last step here for fighting out , immune disease incorporate techniques , into your week that help you naturally , reduce stress so for some people might , be practicing exercise such as yoga , Pilates or bar doing things that helps , with your deep breathing that helps with , the immune system it helps your body , natural reduce stress doing a spiritual , try , in the morning where you wake up and for , five minutes you get grateful for five , minutes you read Bible or devotional , for five minutes you spend in prayer or , praise but again spending some time , reading again something spiritually , uplifting and growth it's great and last , but not least here's what I want to , challenge you to do take a healing bath , at night there's essential oils talked , about do about drops in a bath with , one cup of Epsom salts they're loaded , with magnesium magnesium is known as the , relaxation mineral , so again soaking three days a week with , essential oils Anderson salts or , magnesium oil soaking in a nice warm to , hot bath and just winding down part of , the key to overcoming out of immune , disease is taking care of stressful , emotions and just unwinding so again , exercise a healing bath working on , spiritual growth and just scheduling you , time time where you get to do lunch with , ab est friend or go on a walk or just do , your favorite hobbies make sure you , incorporate those in your weekly , schedule if you follow my five steps of , removing toxic foods adding an , anti-inflammatory foods in your diet , taking supplements that help heal leaky , gut taking essential oils that reduce , stress and transforming your lifestyle , you follow those five steps you're going , to see great results in overcoming out , immune disease and guys by the way if , you want to learn more about how to , naturally heal with remedies make sure , you subscribe here Tommy YouTube station , also I'vie got an advanced article on , autoimmune disease if you want to know , even more in-depth information just , search my name on Google Dr.axe , autoimmune disease and you'll find a lot , more there so guys hey thanks for , watching this has been me Dr. axe , talking about natural treatments for , autoimmune disease , you  

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