Living Dappled interviews Tiffany Grant about her experience with Zanderm's Vitiligo Makeup


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hi guys'm Erica page founder and , editor of living toppled a lifestyle , blog for girls and by girls with , virologist and foremost I want to , give huge thank you to Sander for , sponsoring today'Facebook live session , I'm really excited because we are here , to talk about Intermingle eye , concealer which is a form of camouflage , for Woolworth Tiffany Grant who is , not only a good friend of mine but she's , also well known as the girl with the , it's called virology tattoo and right on , her antiphon has been living with , virology since she was year sold but , she recently had the chance Tonto only , model with and ambit also work wit ha , company behind the scenes to test their , new line of shades which just came out , this spring and speaking of that line I , actually have some of their testers , right here um and so this is how you , actually start with the product and get , to test it and I'll open the little , bottle so that you can see what it looks , like but I had the chance to try these , out and so I AM% naturally deep , pigmented and so Wear Tanner on my , skin but I had the chance to try this on , my face and I have to tell you guys I , was really impressed I have been using , spray tans tanners makeup foundation you , name it I probably tried it um over at , the past decade and Sandra really is , unlike anything else that I'vie ever seen , or tried before and so I want to tell , you why I really love Sandra and there , is one specific reason especially but , I'm gonna have to wait to tell you about , that little bit later in the meantime , I'm going to bring Tiffany on screen so , that we can ask her all of our questions , about Andrei don't know about you but , when Iffiest heard about the company and , the product I was really curious and I , had a ton of questions and so Tiffany is , the perfect person to sit down and chat , wit hand so we're gonna be asking a lot , of question sum , but if we don'answer your question and , if you have something specific that you , want ask Tiffany feel free to leave it , in the comments because we'll be taking , one or two question sat the end of the , segment and if you have any questions , specifically for is and Erma itself feel , free to leave those below in the , comments too because as Anna and we're , up we'll be answering your questions at , the end of the live segment so feel free , to post those and without further ado , just want you to hang tight while I , bring Tiffany on the screen I'm doing so , well thank you for having me thank you , for being here I really appreciate it so , I know I'calling in from , Fredericks burg Virginia where are you , right now so Aim in Brooklyn New York , and okay I'm here in my bedroom right , now okay and I know you have a couple of , dogs and I do so my husband actually , took them out so it would be Little , nice silence in here so I have two dogs , two corgis and my wonderful toddler , awesome um well great well thank you to , the hubby for giving you some peace and , quiet so that we could see we have wait , a minute , we appreciate that well let's dive right , into the question sou'm really excited , to hear everything that you have to say , about Shantaram so first and foremost , tell us just little bit about your , experience with vitiligo growing up with , that and what that's been like okay so , I'vie actually had good luck over W , years , I got like it when I was seven years old , by falling scraping my knee and that , trauma on my knee was enough to cause , the virology spots to come out and so I , did't know I had been like Oh for a , long time it was actually few years , until someone randomly told me in the , grocery store oh my god and then from , there it was unstable so it's spread all , over my body and once Iowas allowed to , wear makeup and cover-ups I did I , covered it for the last W years mean , it was with , make those self tanners whatever you can , use to cover bit like as lots yeah and , so how much do I go do you have today so , I have symmetrical virology so if Get , it on my knees like my knee I get on the , other knee but the other flex so I have , it Ina big version on my body , especially my whole face has been a lot , ago my next Little go it's pretty much , everywhere okay and we're awesome um so , now tell us about Sander how did you , first come across the inner might get to , know the company actually use and I'm , a few years back and I boarded one of , their property online not knowing much , about it and I used their I used the , color and it did't match my skin tone , but I wan't really educated about how , to use it or and that was it I just went , on to the next product , so recently that they went Tao New York , Community virology meetup in the city , and heard about them again yea hand I , heard they were coming outwith some new , shades and they needed a mod eland we , got in touch and I ended up and so , you'vie also been doing some like helping , them test products right yeah our new , line of shades yes so they have new , shades and they I went all the way to , their lab which is really amazing , experience like a cosmetic beauty lab , and it's an all natural and they we , worked with their cosmetic chemists to , in creating all these shades and they , used my body as epaulette to see how the , shades with develop really yeah yea hand , so did they find one that works for you , but they're like for me I thought there , were many colors that could work for me , but they specifically pointed out one , that would be perfect for my skin tone , and it's actually what is it's the light , neutral and it's perfect it is it's an , amazing shade oh yeah that's awesome and , so tell us like more about the actual , concealer of the product and can you , show this like some of , with you too so I have one that I'vie , been using which is delight useful so , this is their new wide applicator they , also have the penny which is much , smaller okay yeah yeah it's it just , makes a big difference especially if you , have a large spot this one lo veto use , I thin kit as like coloring in a , coloring book like I use it for my hands , I go around the edges of my spots hey I , think just like the thing to remember , and what I like to do is like here's a , fresh one this is how you get it okay , you have to press down first and I , always do it Ina paper towel beforehand , and then when you're going to apply it , to your skin you don't hold it down you , use what'son there so then you'd simply , apply it like this back I go to I go , back and forth and I always like to take , a paper towel and just dab it quickly , mm-hmm then and then you have the , coverage so it's really it's that's , awesome yeah that'serially amazing okay , and obviously the the more shades you , apply the darker it gets mm-hmm and you , have to on ea yeah yeah okay and so it , was like very light and it really did't , have any sort of like fragrance to it at , all did you notice the same thing so it , has no fragrance and that'serially , amazing because thirsting products , that use they stink , it dozen't clog it for is its , all-natural ingredients its breathable , so it just it feels like your skin , mean right now it dozen'TEFL like I , have any makeup on and even so I could , take this paper towel and I it's like , yeah yeah yeah so that brings me it's a , thing that I love the most is how much , proof Otis because standard minutes out , on their website you know oh this is a , smudge proof , concealer and I was like well smudge , proof but you know really not much , because know we'vie talked about this , before like you'vie done spray tans like , I have in Tanner's it is always coming , off on our sheet sand on our towels'm , like on our clothes and everything right , and it makes a mess yeah um and so one , of the things in my life is that I , recently got married and so when Hug , my husband , I like hug him but do it like keep , my face up like awkwardly and he's , always like can you give me a real hug , like no my my foundation yeah he always , is always joke we always laugh about , it ha ha and so when I heard that the , inner was smudge proof I like put it on , my face and then I ran out into the , kitchen and gave him a hug and I like , literally press my face right into the , t-shirt and was so I can hug my , husband no wit's so cool that's very , important think that's Avery , important thing yeah and even just like , patting I know you said like if you , probably right away just to like help , the products at him but really after , just like a minute even did't wait , very long , yeah and it already was not really , coming off which is amazing so um tell , us do you currently where the concealer , so I'm like how often I am wearing it , right now my face looks little tanner , because I actually have the concealer on , my face I have it on my neck okay so I , have no pigment on my face or my neck so , it'd be a paler now if there Warren't , wearing Ito tried it on my so this is , my like let's see right here it just , looks like but just was two days ago , and so it'still on my arm this is , always spot right here , Wow I did but this is like two days of , washing and rubbing and okay , okay so that was one my next question so , as I know it's long lasting but you know , how long is long lasting and like what , has that been like for you for me on my , arms it's lasted again three to four , days before I need to reapply my hands , it's a little more frequent that I have , to reapply think what support , important to remember is that it's a , unique experience for everyone you're , all skin types are different you have , oily skin you have dry skin and some , people shower more often than others , some people wash their hands more often , so it is a very very unique experience , my experience may not be the same for , everyone , but sure it's it's like having a taint , will fade over time and all you have to , do is reapply yeah yeah yeah , but I thin kit's amazing that even with , like the tan because like normal tanning , like if I go to get a spray tan and I , shower and you probably know this like , it's pretty much gone after like one , shower really mm-hmm , so just to have like product that , actually stays even for a longer amount , of time is like pretty amazing yeah , think that's really cool mm-hmm yeah and , you don't want to keep the pie in it , over and over again um speaking of how , long doe sit take you to apply it like , where you said you normally wear on your , neck and face and arms yeah so Items , my neck and face last night it would , really took me three and half minutes , to do the whole it's a bit easier , because I have no pigment on my face so , it's not coloring in the lines my hands , took a little bit longer because I'm , trying to focus on getting it in the , very specific spots so it all depends on , how thick your thought is have smaller , your spots are how cover yeah , how many layers you do yeah only do , one layer so I'm sure that it's , different for everyone okay um and so I , know we said that is long-lasting but , what if you do wan tit how does that , work oh I don't know why you'd want to , remove it but but if you suddenly felt , that you wanted to remove it you'Dave , to do it right away before the color , develops and and in that case it would , be soap and water baby wipes , witch hazel works but it will develop , and when it develop sit's more difficult , to remove okay and do you know how long , it takes for it to actually develop III , believe it takes like a good four to six , hours to develop , and then it'll get later like so when , you initially put it on it that it's , much darker than what it will look like , when it actually develops in your skin , okay okay awesome , and so how overall disbands compare , to other products that you use before , well money-wise I think it's a good , investment because you're not spending , money to constantly reapply and reapply , and you get to test out your shade so , that makes a big difference than just , purchasing by guessing like I said it's , breathable it dozen't clog pores so , that's that'serially nice it dozen't , feel like you're wearing makeup because , it's not makeup you have no make upon , you don'thieve my makeup anyway so , that's another nice thing it's also a , time-saver a big time-saver and you get , to do in the privacy of your own , mountain so instead of going to a makeup , counter and saying and some people are , embarrassed to do so can you cover my , spot you get to do it at home and I , think that'Avery special yeah for some , people yeah yeah yeah well not only that , but it travels easily because it's so , small airplane limits so yeah that's , awesome and so last but not least want , you to tell people how they can try and , Erma if they want to and having kind of , get that process started and while you , do that I'm gonna be checking in our , Facebook for questions okay okay yeah so , one you could go on their website they , have you could buy purchased testers , from them so they , they come up with these little testers , and you can test the shade and like to , test it and like appalled type so Icahn , see which colors best for me you can , contact them on social media you can , contact them so they have Instagram they , have Facebook you could email them they , are very reachable they they care about , the virology community that'shy they , do this so they're there to help and , they're available they also have a , makeup consultant to help you match your , shade and and they'll do whatever they , can to make sure you get it have a good , experience and and go from there so they , I thin kit's pretty easy to to reach out , to them I think their Instagram is adds , Andre USA if if you want to contact , them there yeah that's correct , well thank you for letting everyone know , that was just reading some comments , hello all the people that are checking , in with us and I see someone already , ordered samples and she's excited yeah , yeah check back in with us that's , Christina Oliver , yeah so check back in with us Christina , because we want to know see a few I'm , on my phone actually so someone was , asking about whether or not it can wash , off the hands so I know we kind of , covered that but can you just talk about , that one more time mean again it's a , main ingredient as a DHA which is like a , pigment and like any other pigment your , tan fades over time and the more you , wash it the more likely it'seagoing to , fade so I apply so this was yesterday , for my hands I mean if you could say so , my slaps look like that usually this is , yesterday and she washing my hands , frequently , I'd probably reflect in the rebut again , a varies person the person okay and when , you reapply it you just do one shade , when you apply it or like one because , you dimension ally if you did multiple , like , though I do one layer but it's also , important to know that the shade that , works on your face may not work on your , hands your shade would be different , summer versus winter it may be different , indifferent areas of your body so , that's that's very important to remember , okay awesome and then I see another , question that we have we had talked , about how it takes little while to , develop but let's talk about that a , little bit more and like can you see the , color right away even though it takes , four to six hours to develop yeah yeah , so you get a pretty good idea it's like , what it would look like this one's my , favorite , let me see if I Fonda spot available , fair spot so here's my white spot do , those in the I haven'ts if you could , see that'st he color and this is what I , applied earlier yeah yeah so you can , tell you okay so you can see the pigment , right away and then it takes a while to , develop and then after that point you , can wash off if you really really wanted , to but it dozen't come up easily so it , is long lasting yes it is very vain , great okay well I think um we are just , about at time so once again if anyone , has questions specifically fonder , you can leave those in the comment , section below and they'll be answering , those questions after the live segment , and Tiffany thank you so much for being , with us today Ire ally yeah thanks so , much all right well next time everyone , and don'forget to head over Texans , to see these products for yourself the , link is in at this post and we'll see , you next time , Thanks  

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