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hello my name is Natalia or you can call , meek I would like to tell you a little , bit about myself and a brave see , virology well I lo veto see praises , betokened even play with my friend did , you notice I said friend how many of you , have friends by a show of hands that's , wonderful I wish can't have more , friends like you sometimes children and , adults don't know how to react when they , see me , I wan't born this way looked like , this , I bet you are wondering what happened to , me or even thinking she was pretty then , well I am proud to say that I am the , same little girl you see there except , they Vitiligo changed my life to three , and half years ago does anyone know , events like Oh ears or know someone who , has me I go okay let me share with you , what Otis it is an autoimmune , deficiency condition and which skin , loses melon melon is the pigment that , determines the color of your skin hair , and eyes , this Osage occurs when the cells that , produce well and dies or no longer form , which goes with you causes small to , large white patches of irregular shapes , on my body about 5.2 I mean 5.9 , about by 9 percent of the world's , population histology now how many of , you know where your birthmark is well , did you know that your birthmark is , produced by melon that leaves an , irregular colored shape on your body is , your birthmark contagious then , consider my vitalizes a birthmark that , is irregular but not contagious at times , it makes me feel pretty very very sad , and lonely do you know much how much I , get teased Sara I'vie talked about and no , one was my friend how would you feel if , you we reliving with vitalize God , made you indifferent my mom has been my , best support system she tells me to love , myself no matter what I believe if we , all educate ourselves more on why a , person is different than there would be , less bullying in America I also believe , it is my responsibility now to educate , more kids like you and about it alike , of all of us , I'm not made the same but we are , produced smelling that is different my , name is Natalia , and I am a frivolous , you previous purchase produce and , embracing my vitalizing day at a time , thank you in conference