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hello everyone how are you I wish you , all are fine and waiting for our new , video on virology treatment system which , is usually done at home today I will , discuss on some points which will be , your preventive measures for reducing , your vitalizes let's get started , prevention is always better than cure in , any type of disease especially when , something has no cure there is assaying , an ounce of prevention is wort ha pound , of cure , if your skin is prone to develop until , ago there are a lot of prevention , techniques available that can help you , combat this disease we are not , suggesting that you quit your medicines , rather you should supplement your , medicines with these preventive , techniques to amplify their effects some , of these professions have been suggested , with home remedies in this modern age of , technical advancement it has become easy , to fight to be illegal with prevention , measures this is because there area lot , of herbal products and treatments , readily available in the market for this , condition one dozen't need to go through , the Tarts the process of preparing , preventive tinctures at home despite , this some local herbs appointments work , mothers and their use is recommended in , the previous session others is about to , the change in lifestyle and what not to , do , the most popular and significant , measures in this category are measure , number one avoid conditions that , circumstances conducive for skin , disorder such as overexposure to the Sun , measure number two increase your intake , tube important multi vitamins such as , vitamin vitamins folic acid an dB , complexity this will help you with your , Basilica situation measure number three , in order to improve the color of your , skin use effective ointments such as , cortisone alignment Dr. Lam assignments , acerbic acid if you haven'developed , this skin condition bu tare looking for , ways to nip it in the bud here are some , other effective prevention techniques , that you can use avoid food that is too , sour , do not wear synthetic clothes try to , keep your immunity level as high as , possible remember that the disease is , not contagious if you come across a , discoloured patch get it examined no , matter how small Otis do not apply , random tropical dedications on your skin , without consulting a medical specialist , do not take steroids , for that if you incorporate these , measures in your life you will be able , to ultrasonic completely this is , because your health is reflection of , your diet and these prevention , techniques focus on your diet therefore , Otis very important to ensure that you , are taking the right vitamins , supplement sand hey they gripe this will , in turn ensure that you don'suffer , from any deficiencies which in turn , might contribute to many physical and , mental illnesses thanks for watching , this video to get update above be , fagot please subscribe our channel you , can also visit our website help monster , dolt RG / b'still go