Black and White Skin: Body Positive Mum Owns Her Vitiligo Condition


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mileage dozen't define who Aim , Keisha Archibald histology a , condition that causes white patches on , her skin due to a lack of melanin there , is no cure and the patches are , constantly changing but - Keisha takes , it all in her stride am without , virology does it define who I am it , dozen'make me less unwanted it dozen't , make me invincible or invisible , -Keisha first noticed the condition , when she was eight years old it started , off as a small patch on my knee and then , it was isolated- just my knee and my , elbow it wan't until I turned after , I had already went through the , self-discovery stage had already went , past looking for others to validate me , had already kind of taken my place in , society and then here I wake up one day , and my entire face is white now here I , am at W and it'forever changing , it's either my entire face I get it on , my hands I have it on the back of my , leg sit's on my buttocks my entire , breasts are covered while many women , might feel self-consistent has , embraced her looks video is not the , thought that have when Aim getting up , or getting dressing for me I just can't , see myself taking W minutes W minutes , however long it takes to cover up every , part of my body that'snot perfect I , think you can , not saying that there's anything wrong , with those who do choose to cover up its , Who I Amanda Just don'tallow it to , take over my life but two quiches , positive outlooks't shared by , everyone some of the reactions that I , get from people are usually the extreme , I even get the did she really come out , the house like that or I get those who , are oh my gosh you're so beautiful even , with that spot and I'm like even with , honey'm beautiful even without oh I , get the kids who are generally concerned , and they're like oh my gosh what , happened do I notice if people stare or , make comments towards her of course she , gets plenty of stairs most of the adult , comments are usually from men which are , usually positive that she's so beautiful , do I think that she should cover up her , spots hell no it's part of her it's in , her being in her soul you don't like it , then you don't like her but I noticed , first with her eye color , don't you want to stand up if you're , naturally beautiful who cares really , about pigmentation take wants her two , daughters to follow her example of , strength and self-acceptance as a mom , you want to instill the things that are , so important so that they're confident , and that they can go out in this world , and get a job and just do the things , that are positive I don'twat to teach , them that just because you have a , setback or just because you have an , obstacle or just because you have a , challenge that you're supposed to just , give out the one thing that I can say , I'vie taken away from having vitalizes , that you have to either sink or swim , you're either going to own it and accept , it and just be confident with it or , you're going to allow it to take over , every aspect of you allow it to become , and define you and Just don't want to , do that don'thieve the energy , I much rather play .

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